The partners organisations, which are involved in this project.
The University of Social Sciences (SAN) is one of the most experienced and largest private universities in Poland with more than 25 years of experience. It offers education on undergraduate, graduate, MBA and PhD levels in major cities in Poland and in the branch campus in London. We offer also the opportunity to finish an American Master degree program with Clark University (USA). In the educational rankings, published by the influential national magazines the University is placed very high. There are 18 departments, including Culture Studies, Educational Science, Psychology and Sociology that will contribute their experience to this project. SAN provides high-quality education to students from all over the world.
Prof. Roman Patora, Rector
Aleksandra Zając
Fundacja Mapa Pasji (Map of Passions Foundation) was registered in 2016, but its team has more than 10 years of experience in working for NGOs and managing projects, including projects within “Europe for Citizens” and ‘Grundtvig’ programme. The mission of the foundation is “discovering secrets of places and passions of its inhabitants”. We act for local development based on cultural and natural heritage of places. We work mostly with people living in mountain and rural communities in Poland, but also in Ukraine. Our team is composed of 6 people (4 full time employees and 2 part-time employees). We have three main domains of activity: Civic dialogue, Quests – Explorers Expeditions and the cultural heritage of regions.
Anna Jarzebska, President of the Executive Board
Anna Jarzebska, President of the Executive Board
Emphasys Centre, established in 1998, runs an ICT Education and VET Centre approved by the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth, as well as an EU Research Centre. It is staffed with a well-rounded team that includes specialists in ICT, Psychology, Sociology, Education, Law, Economics, Business, Human Rights, Architecture and Graphic Design.
Emphasys is organized in 4 directorates. The Education Directorate includes validated and accredited IT courses, such as the GCE A’ Level Computer Science for students, or the European Computer Driving License (ECDL) for professionals, while providing Career Counselling Services.
Athos Charalambides, Director
Athos Charalambides, Director
Established in 2003, the Association of Ecotourism in Romania (AER) has achieved a partnership for nature conservation and tourism development among tourism associations, non- governmental associations acting in local development and nature conservation, nature conservation projects and travel agencies. Therefore, the innovative idea promoted by AER is to bring together the public and the private sector in a partnership for nature conservation and sustainable tourism development. AER has successfully implemented 15 projects for ecotourism development in different regions of Romania and has been project partner in 12 other projects.
Anrei Blumer, President
Culture Goes Europe (CGE) e.V. is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Erfurt, founded in 2005 and run by young professionals, who are designing, implementing and evaluating local and international youth projects. CGE has more than 10 years of experience creating educational concepts, that allow participants to develop a self-defined strategy of learning in the framework of non-formal education.
Dr. Ammalia Podlaszewska, Head of the Board
TE IS is an NGO acting at local and international level, run by volunteer board members, legally established in 2004. The organization was initiated as a result of many young members from local and around meeting on a regular basis to ponder over the issues faced by local people and specifically youth. Since its inception, the organization has been actively arranging different activities addressing multiculturalism, non-formal based learning and local youth uplift. The foundation focuses on spreading common values and tolerance amongst the children and the youth. Our aim is to build a big and efficient voluntary community which is active and stands forth with good examples considering our goals. On a wider society scale, our major goals are fighting against racism and ensure the equality of opportunity for everyone. In connection with these topics, we also urge as strong social integration as it can be. These values and goals take place in our programs in oblique ways.
Zora Csalagovits, President
ASSERTED KNOWLEDGE (AKNOW) is a technical implementation and staff sourcing company providing highly skilled ICT services and staff to organisations. AKNOW’s consultants have many years of commercial experience supporting large, multinational ICT integrators, such as European Dynamics, INTRASOFT International, TRASYS, Munich Re and others.
AKNOW has 2 managing partners and a pool of highly skilled ICT consultants, researchers and developers numbering 12 individuals, of which 5 are permanent staff members. Our current activities are focused on E&M Learning, Personalised Training, Informal Learning etc.
Mihail Kourakis, Managing Partner