In December 2022, CGE Erfurt e.V. incorporated their piloting sessions into the Winter Entrepreneurship Academy for cultural entrepreneurs with migrant background.
The piloting was introduced in the Think Social Winter Entrepreneurship Academy, and was composed of two parts: a session on Women in Entrepreneurship, Marketing and the exploitation of social movements, and branding and design. This way we could connect the ideas of how to promote a product while being socially conscious and best practices when it comes to branding and creating a design line, while promoting the Digital Routes project and cultural entrepreneurship. By bringing these topics, we were able to cover 2 of the online courses we developed, specifically the Communication and Branding, and the Creative Competencies ones.

The participants of the Winter Entrepreneurship Academy 2022, who took part in Telma’s sessions.
The participants found it interesting to discuss gender roles within social/cultural entrepreneurship and were very engaged in the discussions about social equity and activities planned for the sessions. When it comes to the branding/design workshop, the participants felt that they “were actually developing projects that could become real and be successful and useful in the future.”, when putting their thoughts into visuals.

Examples of work created by the participants of the piloting.
An extended report of this piloting you can find in the CGE blog post.
Watch a video with Telma Roque, who tells about her experience being a facilitator at the piloting and supporter of the project.
DigitalRoutes@Culture (2020-1-PL01-KA205-080646) is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.